Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy
EMDR Therapy is specifically designed to aid in the processing of previous distressing experiences and/or memories. It is based on the model of Adaptive Information Processing (AIP). AIP suggests that at the time of a distressing event, the brain is not able to process and store information in the same way it is typically able to day-to-day when in a regulated nervous system state.
During EMDR, we are accessing this unprocessed memory that is creating intrusive symptoms such as nightmares, panic attacks, dissociation, anger, negative intrusive thoughts and beliefs, etc. and we are processing it while maintaining a regulated nervous system state.
Accessing memories and processing while regulated (meaning the body feels safe and grounded) offers the corrective experience needed for the brain to sort of mark this memory or event as “complete” and file it away.
You do not lose or suppress these memories. The goal is that you experience them as you would any other memory, without the distressing physical, mental and emotional arousal previously experienced.