What to Expect

  • The initial consultation call is a tool we use to better understand if we are a good fit for what clients are looking for before you invest in an intake appointment.

    Our therapists will schedule a 15-20 minute phone call with you. During this call we typically go over the following:

    — What brings you to therapy at this time?

    — Are there any specific therapies or modalities you are interested in?

    — Your theraist will describe how they approach this work and how they would be able to support you

    — Your therapist will discuss logistics (fees, availability, etc.)

    — You may ask any additional questions

    It has been supported time and time again that your connection with your therapist is one of the most influential factors in the therapeutic process. Connection & good fit can refer to feeling safe and comfortable with your therapist, feeling that they are able to offer help in the way that you are looking for, and/or feeling connected to them on a personal level due to shared identities.

    We typically recommend giving it about three sessions and then checking in with yourself about whether your therapist is the right fit for you. If folks decide that it might not be the best fit, we are always happy to offer referrals and be a part of connecting you with the rest of your journey.

  • Our therapists offer a variety of private pay, sliding scale, and insurance options when it comes to fees & billing.

    We both view therapy as an investment in your mental health and do what we can to make services accessible.

    Your therapist will always be open and transparent regarding fees.

    You can find specific rates and coverage under each therapist’s profile as we each offer slightly different options.

  • We tend to work with clients for a minimum of 12 weeks up to several years depending on the level of need.

    With trauma healing work and especially relational trauma, we orient toward a slower pace over a longer period of time. This allows for us to help cultivate safety in your nervous system rather than overwhelming or re-traumatizing.

    As long as you and your therapist are working toward goals together, the process may unfold in any way it needs to. And you are always welcome to check in wit your therapist regarding length and pace.

  • Each therapist approaches the intake appointment in slightly different ways.

    Overall, we utilize the first session together to gather information about your history and to better understand your goals for counseling.

    Your therapist may also share more about their approach and what the next few sessions will look like.