Compassionate, Holistic, Trauma-Informed, Affirming mental health care in Austin, Texas

We work with folks to navigate:

Single Event Trauma Recovery | Complex PTSD/Relational Trauma Recovery | Attachment Issues | Relationships | Childhood Trauma | Anxiety Disorders | Depressive Disorders | Immigration Trauma | Medical Trauma | Identity Exploration | Religious/Spiritual Trauma | Generational Trauma | Grief & Loss | Dissociative Disorders | Family of Origin

Meet Our Therapists

Erin Smith, LPC

Areas of Specialty:

  • Relationships

  • Chronic Stress & Anxiety

  • Developmental trauma/Complex PTSD

Erin works with:

Individuals 18+ and Couples

Emily (Nash) Villarreal, LMSW

Supervised by Vanessa Newton, LCSW-S

Areas of Specialty:

  • Complex childhood trauma & C-PTSD

  • Anti-oppressive practice & social justice

  • Attachments & relationships

Emily works with:

Individuals 16+

Emily Villarreal, LMSW at Mind & Yours Psychotherapy in Austin, Texas

Marissa Sanchez, LMSW (She/Her)

Areas of Specialty:

  • Chronic Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Relational Trauma/C-PTSD

Marissa works with:

All ages (Teens, Young Adults, Parents,

& Children)

Marissa Sanchez, LMSW at Mind & Yours Psychotherapy in Austin, Texas

Modalities & Approaches

We’re glad you’re here. Even when it’s hard. Even when you don’t want to be.
Even when you don’t know how to be. We’re glad that you’re here.

How are we Relational Therapists?

How are we relational therapists connection as the antidote to trauma mind & yours psychotherapy austin texas

Connection as the antidote to trauma.

Dr. Stephen Porges studies trauma and the nervous system, and he says that, “Trauma compromises our ability to engage with others by replacing patterns of connection with patterns of protection.” Which is why, at the heart of all of the work we do, and underneath all of the fancy scientific trainings and interventions, the relationship that is fostered between therapist and client is the most predictive indicator of positive therapeutic outcomes. This is also why we stress that “fit” is so important when matching with a therapist.

How are we relational therapists the therapeutic relationship as a mirror mind & yours psychotherapy austin texas

The therapeutic relationship as a mirror.

Due to the unique nature of the therapeutic relationship, there are many opportunities to uncover relational patterns which may be showing up in clients’ day-to-day lives. Slowing down with the interpersonal dynamics showing up in the room can allow for a corrective and healing experience in and of itself.

How are we relational therapists we are human mind & yours psychotherapy austin texas

We are human.

We believe that showing up as our authentic selves gives clients permission to do the same. So, you will probably get to know each of our quirky mannerisms, hear a decent amount of commentary about our pets, and share a few awkward moments with us somewhere in-between. Life can be weird and messy and awkward, and therapy is not immune from the laws of the universe.

What Does it Mean to be

what does it mean to be trauma informed we take a non-pathologizing approach to healing mind & yours psychotherapy austin texas

We take a non-pathologizing approach to healing.

This means that we hold space and validate the ways in which clients have had to survive traumatic events, adverse childhood experiences, oppressive systems, abusive relationships, and anything else that has threatened physical, psychological, and/or emotional safety. Instead, we honor the parts of clients that have had to take on protective roles. They had a very important job. And if you are sitting in the room with us, that means that they did their job well.

what does it mean to be trauma informed you have power over your environment mind & yours psychotherapy austin texas

Consent is an ongoing process in the therapy room.

You will always have the freedom to say No. Your therapist is not going to push you to explore or deepen into topics which do not feel safe in your body. Your clinician will regularly check in with you to understand where your boundaries lie, and even if you are not sure what it feels like yet, we will always pay attention and listen to the parts of you that say “No.” Whether that is “not that,” “not today,” or “not ever.”

what does it mean to be trauma informed consent is an ongoing process in the therapy roommind & yours psychotherapy austin texas

You have power over your environment.

While we work to maintain a welcoming and calming environment for everyone, there may be aspects of the physical and/or virtual therapy space that do not meet your needs or that are overstimulating or dysregulating. You always have the power to request accommodations within these spaces and we will do our best to honor them.

what does it mean to be trauma informed safety is our priority mind & yours psychotherapy austin texas

Safety is our priority.

Physical, psychological, and emotional safety are our priority. And we recognize that we cannot tell anyone what they need in order to feel safe. In an effort to maintain a space that is affirming and free from judgment and bias, we remain mindful of physical cues, language, and our own parts that show up in the therapy room. And when we mess up, because we are human and we will mess up from time to time, we prioritize taking responsibility and making a repair.

Let’s Work Together

Want to take the next step? Let us know a little bit about you and what you’re looking for out of therapy at this time. We’ll get back to you in 1-2 business days. We look forward to working together.